I met Christie when I slid into her Instagram DM’s to see if she and Ben wanted to do a shoot with me in D.C. Daniel and I had just moved to the area and I was itching to get some locals in front of my camera, and she and Ben were the perfect couple for that.
Lucky for me she wasn’t weirded out by me and actually said yes! Not only are she and Ben super cute, they also have an adorable dog names Otis who happens to be one of D.C.’s most popular dogs and came along for our shoot!
We met up on Friday at The Jefferson Memorial for their shoot and it was gloriously not crowded at the memorial with the exception of a handful of people who wanted to pet Otis (Um, can you blame them?!), and once we started shooting Christie and Ben warmed right up and were seriously the cutest ever. And on top of it all, the weather was perfect for shooting and there was a great breeze that gave Christie that iconic Beyonce hair flip we all dream of.
Thanks Christie, Ben, and Otis for a great shoot!!!!

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